The One Thing That Transformed My Business from Blah to Fulfilling

by | Nov 20, 2019 | Business Growth

I started working for myself because I wanted the freedom; 

the freedom to decide my own hours, the freedom of not having to listen to office gossip, the freedom of not having to answer to a boss, and the freedom to carve out my own piece of something in this world.

This F word is such a common reason why many entrepreneurs go into business! 

It definitely drove me in the beginning to work hard, get clients, and make money.

But, I’ve been self-employed now for over 10 years and that word freedom has evolved to include another word – WHY.

Yes, freedom is a big why. But, it’s got to go even deeper than that to stick it out for the long-term.

My why includes being there for my two boys throughout the week and over weekends. I make money from home so if they need me or if we decide to take off on vacation or on a day trip last minute, it can certainly happen.

My other why, though, goes even deeper. And this is the thing that took about 10 years for me to see.

I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs uncover the meaning behind what they do. I want them to see that they don’t “just” decorate homes, or design new builds, or create the most stunning spaces imaginable. 

I help them really see where their value lies and how to communicate it so that their ideal clients come to them over and over again.

I’m on a mission to make sure my clients go on their own mission.

It’s a cycle I feel makes the world a much better place.

And I’m honoured to be a part of these established missions;)

When I realized just how my work as a marketer transforms, not only businesses, but the lives behind them, my grit grew stronger.

It’s not about WHAT you do, but WHY you do it that keeps you moving forward and upward in business and in life. 

So, what’s the WHY behind your business? 



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